Dandhea Book I

Find the links to the flip books in this series at the bottom of this page.

Dandhea Book I

Delightful and Delicious Healing

from Ω to α

How to Prevent and Heal Covid-19 naturally, and why you didn’t know about it before

A study that should have ended the Covid pandemic was published on PubMed on September 21, 2020 and in Science on November 6, 2020.

It showed Linoleic-Acid, an essential nutrient found in raw, organic sunflower seeds, deactivated the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

Linoleic-acid needs to be balanced with Alpha-Linolenic- Acid, which is found in flax seeds.

Alpha Linolenic Acid, or Omega-3-ALA and Linoleic-Acid, or Omega-6-LA, the two fatty acids upon which our entire immune system is built, are both found in walnuts in the heart healthy 1:4 balance.

Here you see how to get the right amount the right way, along with many more Health Oriented, Evidence Based, Science Backed, Practice Confirmed natural, healthy and toxin-free methods for Delightful and Delicious Healing from Covid-19 and many other diseases, with a dive into the molecular level, a flight up to the historical level and a walk through the practical level, which will make it very clear who are really following the science and who really aren’t!

Dandhea Book I part V Treasure Map gives you an overview of the whole Dandhea and Motherhat series and tells you where in the series to find the information you are looking for.

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PDF’s, e-books and flipbooks:

Dandhea Book I part I pdf

Dandhea Book I Part I Flipbook: full size

Dandhea Book I Part I e-book, €4,-, including free coaching.

Dandhea Book I Part II Polyphenols Against Covid-19 pdf

Buy the ebook for €3,-

Dandhea Book I Part III, A Seven Element Approach to Preventing and Healing Covid-19 naturally and deliciously!

Buy the e-book for €5,-

Dandhea Book I Part IV: Why aren’t the many Evidence based, Science backed, Practice Confirmed Covid-19 Remedies well known?

Get the e-book for €4,-

Motherhat is the practical side”of it

Motherhat V has the references to the whole Dandhea series

Motherhat Cherries gives an overview of Motherhat I-IV

Dandhea Book I part V Treasure Map gives you an overview of the whole Dandhea and Motherhat series.

Dandhea Book I Part V treasure Map is normally available as an e-book for €4,-, and is now temporarily for free!

A printed version of Dandhea Book I part V Treasure Map costs €25,68 without shipping.

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Both the e-book and the printed book come with free coaching.

See https://dandhea.teachable.com/courses/

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