Motherhat: Prevent and Heal Covid-19 Naturally and Deliciously

How about getting over 50 scientifically proven anti-Covid nutrients in with just a tasty breakfast, good tea, a nice salad, some healthy snacks, a simple dinner, a delicious dessert and a noon walk while having a skin and oral care routine that protects your microbiome? Find out here how to beat Covid the HESP way: Health oriented, Evidence based, Science backed and Practice confirmed with a system so basic and logical you can use it to prevent and heal most any disease!

Motherhat, is an acronym for what is needed, for good health: a healthy Microbiome, Omega’s, which are discussed in part I, a Targeted response when you have symptoms that gets rid of them in minutes, a Herb rotation schedule with over 70 proven anti-Covid herbs, Happiness proteins, which are discussed in part II, Additional Covid fighting nutrients, which are discussed in part III,Timing, combining, preparing and planning. along with recipe’s and a checklist to achieve that, which are discussed in part IV.

There are misconceptions about many nutrients. Those are mentioned, explained and corrected in Motherhat, along with easily applicable tips how to get the right nutrients the HESP way:

Other super cool health tools you can find in Motherhat

-A UV for D sun chart so you can calculate how long you need to be in the sun to get enough Vitamin D. Spoiler: surprisingly short.

-Practical food lists by standardized quantities , with the amount of nutrient in descending order., so you see in a glance which has the most and which the least of and with no redundant foods, meaning no toxic foods, no foods that lose the nutrient if it gets prepared, no foods that have so little of the nutrient that you would need to eat 20 pounds of it to get to the RDA .no varying serving sizes and quantifiers, which often makes food lists messy and impractical

Colorful Nutrient Collages with all the natural food sources for the nutrients to become and stay healthy ordered from most to least, so you can mix and match to get all the nutrients in, for which you can use the Dandhea checklist .

-All the best Omega-3-ALA and Omega-6- LA sources in handy charts as well as which organs have which balance, so you can mix and match to get the right balance with the right foods

-Foods, scents and behaviors for happiness proteins, which are also crucial for immunity.

-The relationships between nutrients: which enhance uptake, which block it etc.

–The clusters of nutrients for maximum Vitamin C and D uptake.

-How to influence cravings, heart rate, blood pressure and blood acidity  with healthy, natural foods.

-Research explaining why natural disinfectants are not only better for skin and health, but also better at removing pathogens than synthetic ones.

-A herb rotation schedule with which you  get a wealth of anti Covid nutrients in without overusing any.

And much more!

Everything I publish is discussed with, reviewed and approved by Medical Doctors.

The goal: That healing through toxin-free diet and care becomes as abundant and normal, as delightful and delicious as dandelions in springtime!

The method is combining all the science backed  ways successful doctors have healed people naturally in a simple to follow system.

Any suggestions? Leave them as a comment on the Motherhat landing page:

Start with Motherhat IV if you want to go straight into the practice.

Then follow up with Motherhat Cherries. It gives an overview of Motherhat 1-IV, which you can find as flipbooks at the bottom of this page.

Motherhat is chapter 7.7.d.of Dandhea Book I, Delightful and Delicious Healing from Omega to Alpha.

7.7.d. Building a Dandhea anti-Covid Day

It gives you something practical to work with right away.

Chapter d.1.Microbiome

For more in depth scientific information, see Dandhea Book I

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Here you can find Motherhat in 5 parts in flip book form:

And here you can see part 1 in flip book form

This is so cool: click on the little arrow in the middle of the right side and it flips the pages like an actual book! It even makes the sound of a page turning!

This is Motherhat part I, Microbiome and Omega’s! Life saving information brought in an immediately applicable way, with all the science to back it.

You can buy it as e-book for €4,-.

Motherhat II is on the Targeted Response if you have Covid symptoms, on the herb rotation schedule and on Happiness Proteins

You can buy it as an e-book for €4,-.

Motherhat part III is on Additional Nutrients to fight Covid 19. Many nutrient deficiencies and overloads resemble Covid-19. Here you can see how to solve that.

Get the e-book for €5,-!

Motherhat IV: Timing, Combining, Preparing and Planning.

Get as an e-book for €4,-

Summary Motherhat

Motherhat V has all the references used in the whole Dandhea series

Find it as an e-book here.

In Motherhat Cherries you find all the goodies from Motherhat Part I-IV. This last book is a good place to start navigating your way to perfect health!

You can also buy it as an e-book for €4,-


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Motherhat is Chapter 7.7.d. from Dandhea Book I, Delightful and Delicious Healing From Alpha to Omega: How to heal from Covid-19 naturally and Why you didn’t know about it before.

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